Do you want to perform well in JEE or CBSE, ICSE board exam but unsure about how to prepare? Do you need to know what to study today to get the best rank? Download PiLearn - the AI-Assisted Learning App from BraKetLab. The proprietary Artificial Intelligence algorithm of PiLearn monitors your progress always and make a study plan for you every day according to your need. With this plan, you will be ready to obtain the best rank in JEE or in the CBSE and ICSE board examination. PiLearn delivers a premium quality, easily accessible and highly affordable learning experience for physics, chemistry and mathematics to students of class eleven and class twelve and also to those who are preparing for competitive exams like IIT-JEE. The scientifically designed interactive study material, developed by subject matter experts from IITs, IISc and IISERs, ensures an extremely efficient and fast learning experience.